en Responsibilities Reports to the Commissioner from the Panel

Reports to the Commissioner from the Panel

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This page shows the specific reports to the Police and Crime Commissioner that the Police and Crime Panel has produced, in accordance with the requirements of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011.

The Police and Crime Panel has a duty to make a report or recommendation in relation to the following functions:

  • The draft North Wales Police and Crime Plan
  • The Police and Crime Commissioner's Annual Report
  • Proposed senior appointments
  • Proposed appointment of the Chief Constable
  • Proposed precept


Report on the appointment of Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner, 21 June 2024
Document type: Acrobat/PDF File Document size: 353K

Report on the Commissioner's proposed precept for 2024/25
Document type: Acrobat/PDF File Document size:383K

PCP Report on the Commissioner's Annual Report for 2022/23
Document type: Acrobat/PDF File Document size: 589K

Report on the Commissioner's proposed precept for 2023/2024
Document type: Acrobat/PDF File Document size: 321K

Report on the Annual Report 2021/22
Document type: Acrobat/PDF File Document size: 303k

Report on the Chief Constable's Appointment Sept 2022
Document type: Acrobat/PDF File Document size: 477k

Report on the Commissioner's Proposed Precept (2022-23)
Document type: Acrobat/PDF File Document size: 495k

PCP report to the Commissioner on the Deputy PCC (September 2021)
Document type: Acrobat/PDF File Document size: 286k

PCP report to the Commissioner on the Annual Report (2020-2021)
Document type: Acrobat/PDF File Document size: 304k

PCP report to the Commissioner on the Police and Crime Plan (2020-2021)
Document type: Acrobat/PDF File Document size: 479k

Report on the Commissioner's Proposed Precept 2021/22
Document type: Acrobat/PDF File Document size: 495k

Report on the Police and Crime Commissioner's Annual Report 2019 / 20
Document type: Acrobat/PDF File Document size: 303k

Report on the Commissioner's Proposed Precept 2020/21
Document type: Acrobat/PDF File Document size: 72k

Report on the North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner's Annual Report 2018/19
Document type: Acrobat/PDF File Document size: 68k

Review of Proposed Precept 2019/20
Document type: Acrobat/PDF File Document size: 71k

Review of Police and Crime Plan 2019
Document type: Acrobat/PDF File Document size: 62k 

Panel's Report relating to the Annual Report 2017/18
Document type: Acrobat/PDF File Document size: 61k

Report to the PCC on Chief Constable appointment Sept 2018
Document type: Acrobat/PDF File Document size: 66k

Report on the Commissioner's Proposed Precept for 2018/19
Document type: Acrobat/PDF File Document size: 67k

Report on the North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner's Annual Report 2016/17
Document type: Acrobat/PDF File Document size: 236k

Report on the Commissioner's Police and Crime Plan for North Wales
Document type: Acrobat/PDF File Document size: 58k

Report on the Commissioner's Proposed Precept for 2017/18
Document type: Acrobat/PDF File Document size: 65k

Report to Commissioner Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner July 2016
Document type: Acrobat/PDF File Document size: 47k

Report Relating to the North Wales Police Crime Commissioners Annual Report 2015/16
Document type: Acrobat/PDF File Document size: 193k

Review of Proposed Precept 2015-16
Document type: Acrobat/PDF File Document size: 52k

Proposed appointment of Chief Executive - March 2016
Document type: Acrobat/PDF File Document size: 183k

Review of Police and Crime Plan 2015
Document type: Acrobat/PDF File Document size: 60k

Proposed appointment of Chief Executive for a temporary period by the North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner January 2015
Document type: Acrobat/PDF File Document size: 52k

Report on the Commissioner's proposed precept for 2014-15
Document type: Acrobat/PDF File Document size: 42k

Panel's Report relating to the Annual Report 2014-15
Document type: Acrobat/PDF File Document size: 46k

Report on The North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner's Annual Report 2013-14
Document type: Acrobat/PDF File Document size: 56k

Report On The Commissioners Revised Police And Crime Plan For North Wales
Document type: Acrobat/PDF File Document size: 42k

Confirmation hearing 16-12-13: proposed appointment of a deputy police and crime commissioner
Document type: Acrobat/PDF File Document size: 42k

Confirmation hearing 04-10-13: proposed appointment of a temporary deputy police and crime commissioner
Document type: Acrobat/PDF File Document size: 44k

Panel report regarding appointment of Chief Executive
Document type: Acrobat/PDF File Document size: 23k

Panel report regarding proposed police precept
Document type: Acrobat/PDF File Document size: 34k

Panel report regarding appointment of Chief Finance Officer
Document type: Acrobat/PDF File Document size: 28k

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