en Members Member profiles

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Councillor Chris Bithell (Flintshire)
C/O Civic & Members’ Services, County Hall, Mold, CH7 6NA
Phone: 01352 754578    
Email:  christopher.bithell@flintshire.gov.uk
Group: Labour

Councillor Steve Copple (Flintshire)
c/o Civic & Members’ Services, County Hall, Mold, Flintshire, CH7 6NA
Phone: 07847 568052  
Email:  steve.copple@flintshire.gov.uk
cllr-ndafyddCouncillor Non Dafydd (Isle of Anglesey)
Phone: 07415 469 472    
Email:  nondafydd@anglesey.gov.wales
Group: Plaid Cymru

cllr-lemmeryCouncillor Louise Emery (Conwy)
PO Box 1, Conwy, LL30 9GN
Phone: 07768793874
Email:  louise.emery@conwy.gov.uk
Group: Welsh Conservatives

cllr-ahunterCouncillor Alan Hunter (Conwy)
PO Box 1, Conwy, LL30 9GN
Phone: 07393 761664
Email:  cllr.alan.hunter@conwy.gov.uk
Group: Plaid Cymru

cllr-ewowenCouncillor Edgar Wyn Owen (Gwynedd)
Glyn Awel, Waunfawr, Caernarfon, Gwynedd, LL55 4YY
Phone: 01286 650594  Email: Cynghorydd.EdgarWynOwen@gwynedd.llyw.cymru
Group: Plaid Cymru

cllr-nwilliamsCouncillor Nigel Williams (Wrexham)
10 Dale Road, New Broughton, Wrexham, LL11 6YE
Mobile: 07833 666715  Email: Nigel.Williams@wrexham.gov.uk
Group: Independent

Pat Astbury (Co-opted Independent Member) 
North Wales Police and Crime Panel, PO Box 1, Conwy,  LL30 9GN
Tel: 01492 576061
Email: policepanel@conwy.gov.uk
Cllr dianeking
Councillor Diane King (Denbighshire)
c/o Denbighshire County Council, County Hall, Ruthin, LL15 1YN
Email: diane.king@denbighshire.gov.uk
Group: Labour
Cllr elwynjones
Councillor Elwyn Jones (Gwynedd)
Fferm Tan y Weirglodd, Waun Pentir, RhiwlasBangor, LL57 4EH
Phone: 07936 545645
Email: Cynghorydd.elwynjones@gwynedd.llyw.cymru
Group: Independent
Cllr carrieharper
Councillor Carrie Harper (Wrexham)
26 Conway Drive, Caia Parc, Wrexham, LL13 9HR
Phone: 07484 841407
Email: carrie1.harper@wrexham.gov.uk
Group: Plaid Cymru
Trevor Coxon (Co-opted Independent Member)
c/o North Wales Police and Crime Panel, PO Box 1, Conwy, LL30 9GN
Phone: 01492 576061
Gareth Cowell (Co-opted Independent Member)
c/o North Wales Police and Crime Panel, PO Box 1, Conwy, LL30 9GN
Phone: 01492 576061
Email: policepanel@conwy.gov.uk

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