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Criminal and non-criminal complaints in relation to the Police and Crime Commissioner or other office holders should be dealt with in accordance with the Act and the Elected Local Policing Bodies (Complaints and Misconduct) Regulations 2012.

  • The North Wales Police and Crime Panel has statutory responsibilities as to the handling and determination of certain complaints made against the Police and Crime Commissioner and Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner. The Panel has delegated its functions to the Lead Officer/Legal Advisor to the Panel at Conwy County Borough Council (the North Wales Police and Crime Panel's Host Authority), who must consult with the Chair, Vice Chair and one Independent Member (subject to availability) of the North Wales Police and Crime Panel in determining type of complaints received and the strategy for managing complaints for local resolution and the Panel's final resolution of complaints.
  • In practice, it will be the Lead Officer/Legal Advisor to the Panel at Conwy County Borough Council who will make decisions about the management and resolution of complaints in consultation with the Chair. The Chief Executive to the Office of the North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) will be consulted on the strategy for determining whether complaints will be considered by the Panel, the OPCC or referred to the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC).
  • Complaints about the Police and Crime Commissioner or Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner should be addressed to the Lead Officer/Legal Advisor to the North Wales Police and Crime Panel, Conwy County Borough Council, Bodlondeb, Conwy, LL32 8DU or email pcc.complaints@conwy.gov.uk.
  • Complaints can also be sent to the Police and Crime Commissioner, Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner, Chief Executive to the Office of the North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner or Chief Constable. All are contactable at the following address, Office of the North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner, North Wales Police Headquarters, Glan y Don, Colwyn Bay, Conwy LL29 8AW  or Phone/Fax 01492 805486.
  • Complaints can be sent directly to the Independent Police Complaints Commission, PO Box 473, Sale, M33 0BW or email enquiries@ipcc.gsi.gov.uk
  • The Lead Officer/Legal Advisor to the Panel will acknowledge receipt of a complaint within 5 working days and will attempt to resolve a general complaint that is not a Conduct Matter or a Serious Complaint within 40 working days.
  • For more information about the complaints procedure, please contact Conwy  County Borough Council on 01492 576061 or email pcc.complaints@conwy.gov.uk.

Please note that the North Wales Police and Crime Panel does not have the remit to deal with complaints against the North Wales Police. If you wish to make a complaint regarding the North Wales Police you need to contact:

Detective Superintendent
Professional Standards Department
Police Headquarters
Glan y Don
Colwyn Bay
LL29 8AW

Phone: 01492 805427

Email: ProfStandardsEnquiries@nthwales.pnn.police.uk

Website: http://www.north-wales.police.uk/about-us/departments/professional-standards.aspx?lang=en-gb

Please complete the complaints form below if you wish to make a complaint about the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) or Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner (DPCC) for North Wales.

Complaints Form

Revised Complaints Procedure



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